Recorded in the back of a legal retail Cannabis dispensary . Sean & Charlie Kady - owners, explore the Canadian cannabis market with Industry leaders, master growers, product innovators and experts in hash, extracts, beverages and a whole lot of weed.
Mindful Dabbing with Foxton Tools
In this episode of the HigherOrbit Podcast, hosts Charlie Kady and Sean Kady are joined by special guest Corey Foxton, a talented cannabis accessories maker and innovator. The trio dive into the complexities of the legal cannabis industry, discussing the challenges and opportunities for collaboration. They explore the importance of safety when dabbing, with Corey sharing valuable tips and highlighting innovative accessories like the unique Slurper tools he has designed.
The conversation then shifts to the fascinating world of exotic woods used for dab tools, with Corey uncovering the stories behind these unique materials. He shares his expertise in sourcing and crafting these premium tools, showcasing his dedication to quality and creativity.
The hosts discuss the creative marketing tactics employed by cannabis brands, including the clever "peanut butter and jelly sandwich joint" - @codyvangogh. They praise the efforts of industry leaders like Todd Neault, who have been instrumental with Rosin Heads in fostering collaborations and pushing the boundaries of cannabis branding.
Finally, the group reflects on the cyclical nature of the cannabis industry and the lessons learned from navigating its ups and downs. Corey's insights and experiences provide valuable perspectives for enthusiasts and industry professionals alike
Join the HigherOrbit team and their guest Corey Foxton as they navigate the ever-evolving cannabis landscape and share their passion for innovation, safety, and the art of cannabis accessories.
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You know it is hard. At the end of the day there's so many things that come through, at least on the legal side. It's for whatever reason. Freshness is harder. Yes, and I feel like you know what four or five months is basically like our weird little window from, and that's even seems kind of long, but you know what I mean. Like that's still a short window. Like this is stuff that's comic grown. It takes, fucking, you know, three months, yeah, grown it takes, fucking, you know, three months.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, like it's, so it's, it's just a crazy cycle, it's true. Yeah, it's a long cycle, as you've heard that I grew mushrooms at one point and, uh, it's a lot shorter cycle. You know what I mean. So it's like I just on that note, when you fuck up a crop, it's like you're sour, you start back.
Speaker 1:It can only ever be like two or three weeks, not in your clean, your schnoz out with that.
Speaker 3:It smells like ultra sour, yeah I was about to say I like the smell of that. Almost it smells like an original.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it smells crazy that one might be the end of the night kind of thing that one crashes me really hard.
Speaker 3:That sounds about right, but you come down real fast. Yeah, it's like zoop yeah it's like zoop.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it'll be interesting, though I hope to see more, like you said, some maybe collaborative work. I think that we're starting to see it a little bit. No one really has the same direction, at least in terms of having change happen in the legal market. So that's probably the biggest thing is just aligning people, of course right.
Speaker 2:Well, one of the people who's doing fantastic collaborations, rosin hits, yeah totally yeah.
Speaker 1:And you know what I'll shout out todd right now again, because he was also, uh, pushing hybrid visions to do his thing and he pushed you to do your thing, and I think that that's really dope yeah, todd's a great guy.
Speaker 3:He's always working hard, man. You know, it was a cool little marketing thing. He had cody Van Gogh. There's people that do that.
Speaker 2:I saw that yeah.
Speaker 3:I saw that. I thought it was cool. It was like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich joint, yeah.
Speaker 1:That's hilarious yeah.
Speaker 3:The bite out of it was where the filter was, okay, so where you put the bite, I think I saw. That's pretty funny. That's hilarious. He's an artist on his own, yeah, um, and it looked very cool and he put the entire quarter like you put the whole half ounce in it.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow it's like smokeable wow, yeah, anyway.
Speaker 3:So it's very cool. I thought it was smart, why not? That's the kind of stuff that gets passed around and talked about and it's hard to market in our industry.
Speaker 2:So well, that's the thing is, everybody has these cool ideas, but they're all like, yeah, I could do it, but I don't want to but, like it doesn't matter, even if it's a one-off, do it. Everyone will think it's cool and you'll enjoy it and have fun in the process. Like, just follow those crazy ideas that you think are stupid. It's gonna be fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, go for it. Why not, man? I like the peanut butter and jelly. Like the cool bag. They have cool bag yes, no, I wanna.
Speaker 2:I still have been looking for it. I haven't been able to get it, but that's because I've just been too busy.
Speaker 3:Corey, you got any safety tools for dabbing Like or safety tips, I guess? Oh, safety tips, yes, that's a good one we can go over. I just thought that's kind of like important, you know, Using torches and shit, that's what I was about to mention.
Speaker 2:We were talking about temperature earlier. So, yeah, you always got to make sure you're watching where your banger is, not only around, but what it's touching. If it's going to be around, anything that might even come close to it and like melt or something Because, like I work in upholstery and we have a lot of heat will actually like completely change the shape of how it's sitting on the furniture. So you want to make sure stuff like that Rubbing alcohol is a big thing as well, like, yeah, we use it to clean everything, but you want to make sure you've completely got the rubbing alcohol off, because that in the end, if you are smoking it and it does go into your lungs over time, that'll end up getting your immune system down and it's not exactly a good thing. How often do you change?
Speaker 3:your alcohol.
Speaker 2:I change my alcohol every one or two days. I try and make sure it's relatively clear, like if it starts to go yellow, I'll, I will change my rubbing alcohol out. And uh, I'm. I don't know if anybody else does this. I'm kind of weird. When I'm working in my shop I'll just leave my rubbing alcohol outside so it can evaporate off. I don't bother sitting it down the drain or anything, cause it's it's bad for the environment. So I just figured if I can get it out that way and not have to worry about any environmental problems. It's an easy way to do it.
Speaker 1:So if you just leave it over time, it just evaporates as gas? Exactly, yeah, so I'm trying to think ahead.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm sure that's, like you said, less harmful than being mixed with the water and then it's just mixed in.
Speaker 2:Is there any?
Speaker 1:tips that you guys could add on. I definitely like your watch where you put your dab tool.
Speaker 2:Yes, or not, your dab tool, you're also the banger.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, I was the king of the goop oh.
Speaker 1:Sean is the goop master. I didn't even mention that.
Speaker 3:You get all the stone, you smoke the dab and you forget about the tool and you put it somewhere.
Speaker 1:But you can do some damage, sometimes Sticky yeah, you're an absolute slime. I've been slimed by you many times. I'm trying to get something off.
Speaker 3:And I remember Charlie messaging me like bro.
Speaker 2:Like we said, if that's why you don't have dab tools that around, because it's just going to go on over there.
Speaker 1:And then exactly that, you find the tool, and Sean's the master of that too. It's covered in cat hair. It's like on the carpet. You're like dude.
Speaker 3:That's yeah, shame, shame. Well, I'm not going to let this happen to the tools that you gifted me man Perfect.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they do they sit up on their own. It's really quite nifty. Yeah, they do they sit up on their own. It's really quite nifty. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, and your little centerpiece is really fucking dope. I love that.
Speaker 3:Thank you, I forgot I have my little one. I'm excited about this little guy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the Terpsler tools I have to thank. Tom for that he was the one who told me to make them that small Recommended a longer, smaller one because, like uh, originally, like the smallest I would have done would have been probably like just a little shorter than this, yeah, and when I showed him that he's like not even close to how short I wanted, it was like oh crap. So I and I ended up making the one that just basically fits in the tip of your fingers, and they've been popular.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, they've been selling more than anything.
Speaker 2:Okay, cool, um, but with also, I tried to make them more towards slurper, so, as you can tell, the metal's a little bit bent, so it hugs around the pillar a little bit better and It'll melt off the entire dab rather than leaving most of it on your tool. Right, right, yeah, I think of all the situation. Get myself covered. No, it's good, do we go over? What kind of would you use? Yes, I try and use things from all across the world, so like, instead of just the that we never asked. That's okay, so we'll get around to it. Yeah, no, I, obviously I use the stuff from around here, like the oaks, the walnuts, the maples, but then I branch out.
Speaker 2:I try and use a lot of Purple Heart. I try and use a lot of Bubinga, Wenge, Bloodwood, Padauk. It's just things you've probably never heard of.
Speaker 1:I've never heard any of those. They all sound very fun to say, though, I've never heard any of those. They all sound very fun to say though oh, exactly, right yeah.
Speaker 2:But, it's funny because the wenge is the piece on the bottom here. I believe it's actually starting to go endangered, but whenever I send it to people it's spelt out it just looks like wenge. So they'll be like, yeah, I got this wenge wood. I'm like all right, whatever, but yeah, so it's it's. It's really cool. Yeah, um, remind them again. Uh, where can they find you? Buddy, we're at faxtontools on instagram. Hit me up, just send me a message. We can get you some tools.
Speaker 1:We got some tools come grab a tool cosmic trials coming soon.
Speaker 3:Yeah, until next time, guys, don't forget. Uh, we are powered by rosin heads. Shout out out to rosin heads and look out for that new rosin spray coming out soon. Follow us at higher orbit. Give us a like and a follow. Thanks so much guys. Thanks so much guys. Until next time.